Dienstag, 1. November 2011


done with Orton

The "Halloweeners" have been here.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Love to see the children having fun on Halloween. The most creative costume that I saw this year was a three year old girl dressed as a hot air balloon.

  2. Looks like lots of fun was had by all. Hope there were no tricks and LOTS of treats.

  3. Last year I went out with my grand kids....lots of fun but they moved too far away for this year...too bad :-(

  4. I love the top shot - good costumes and nice focus.

  5. Nice to see the youngsters creativity with their costumes!

  6. I love how you made them glow a bit in your processing, a fine holiday.

  7. Spooky fun! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Unfortunately, we had no Halloween this year--most of our town was without power after a freak snowstorm, and it was just too dangerous, what with no lights, as well as downed trees and power lines.
