Dienstag, 30. August 2011

Kleines Dorf

Small village in the neighborhood

8 Kommentare:

  1. Love the green hills and curvy sidewalk which leads us up to the village!

  2. Lookx a wonderful place to raise all kinds of KINDER!

  3. What a lovely place--there's a sense of OLD, in the very best sense of the word: a timeless place. The photo itself is composed so well, too.

  4. Wish my neighbourhood looked as pretty a this.

  5. Great composition.
    I like the way the winding road leads your eye up to the buildings.

  6. Looks like a beautiful, well-kept place...think I'd love to have a home here!

  7. You did compose this so well, the curves of the fields and hills and road all complement each other as do the colors. Idyllic image.
