Freitag, 21. Oktober 2011

Rauchende Kamine

Smoke in the evening sun

9 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful capture of the smoke with the window light shining through.

  2. If this is from wood-burners, the air must have a great fragrance to it! Good to check that everything is working well before the temperatures get too cold. We've had our furnace going already too.

  3. wonderful capture. I too enjoy the scent of woodstoves being used.

  4. we don't have a lot of wood stoves here - I bet it smells wonderful

  5. Great atmosphere shot....don't imagine it's wood smoke though....would be nice if it was

  6. I like the industrial feel of this image.

  7. Such a contrast to the photos you've been posting of the stunning mountains. But this one is stunning in its own right: the lighting and the geometrical forms.
